Enough of my moping and on to more interesting topics. Since Christmas I have actually done some crafting and baking! Earlier in January I made a red velvet cake (my very first one ever!) for my friend Andrea's birthday since it is her favorite. Sadly, I did not take any pictures, however it was delicious! I used the recipe from my new favorite book ever, Organic and Chic by Sarah Magid. All her recipes look gorgeous and delicious (from the ones I've made they taste as great as they look.) The whipped vanilla buttercream frosting was amazing especially with substituting vanilla extract with vanilla bean paste. I can't wait to make it again for many more cakes! Besides that I sewed up another art smock for my friend's little girl and gave that to her for a late Christmas present along with a stuffed turtle and dress-up smock I made for her other two kiddos. I only have pictures of the dress up smock right now which is really cute with some sort of vintage (probably from the 90's) fabric. My friend loved it, in fact I think she got more excited about all the gifts than any of the kids did!
That's about all I've got for now. Please keep reading and join me as I continue to try to get my own business up and going. It will happen one of these days!
Happy Creating!
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