Saturday, April 7, 2012

First Friday Fun

Last night we went to the First Friday event our downtown has every 1st Friday of the month. Being so close to Easter is was an Easter theme. A bunch of the businesses had specials or little giveaways going on. One place even had the Easter bunny so T got to sit with her (the bunny was pink so I'm going with "her".) and get his picture taken. We got one copy of the photo and it was free! Can't beat that price! Then my sweet husband did an obstacle course, egg on a spoon around some cones, and got me a $20 voucher to the salon where I got my hair done for our wedding. Much needed haircut here I come! Our friend Jen also did the course and got herself one too.

My darling husband earning the voucher for me!

 Miss Jen tackling the course with the very raw egg! 

Then we just walked around and checked out the other businesses. I am so glad they are getting more small businesses in our downtown. I would much rather go to downtown and support some local businesses than go to the giant chain store. Prices are not always that much more and you are supporting local people and their families instead of the CEO's of those giant companies.

Also, I got my two tester bibs made and sent out the other day. They should get them soon and hopefully they enjoy them as much as I do! Thank you again ladies!

Now I am off to make some shoes for my little guy for Easter since it is supposed to be chilly!

Little T's Mommy

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