Sunday, June 24, 2012


Yes, I know. I am terrible at updating, but I have had so much going on and I am trying not to be on the computer when little man is awake. I just don't want to miss things since he is growing sooooo fast! Seriously so much has happened with him since my last post. Let's see if I can think of everything...

He has tried more foods; apples, carrots, zucchini (which he liked, much to the dismay of his dad), green beans and peaches. Up next: butternut squash...yum!

He could sit up on his own, but not get out of sitting up (unless he tipped over) or into sitting. Then in the past week and a half he all of a sudden can sit up on his own, get to his tummy/crawling position from sitting. Then he can scoot but not quite crawl like a mad man! We had to put up his play yard because he was getting to everything he wasn't supposed to get to, like the cords from the Wii.

He tried the little puffs a few days ago. At first he wasn't sure what to do when you put it is his mouth, but now he chews on them. He tries picking them up and is successful sometimes. He got one in his mouth for the first time today!

He has his first tooth coming in. You can feel the very top of it coming through his gums. We have had some crankiness, low fevers and waking a lot for the past few weeks. It will be nice when this tooth finally comes in!

He has also started to pull himself up to things. He has been pretty successful a couple of times and has gotten to standing. Crazy!

I think those are the big milestones he has reached so far, but as I said they are happening so fast! It seems like one day he can't do something and then the next day he can.

We also celebrated my husband's first Father's day this month! We got up early and made him breakfast, waffles and bacon. I made him some delicious chocolate cupcakes with homemade pb cups inside with chocolate frosting. They were delish!! I took pictures and will be doing a tutorial on them for my next post so keep a lookout for that one!

Until then, happy creating! 
~Rachel, Little T's Mommy~